Interface IRunOptionsRuntime

Options relating to behaviour when actually running tests

interface IRunOptionsRuntime {
    dryRun: boolean;
    failFast: boolean;
    filterStacktraces: boolean;
    parallel: number;
    retry: number;
    retryTagFilter: string;
    strict: boolean;
    worldParameters: JsonObject;


dryRun: boolean

Perform a dry run, where a test run is prepared but nothing is executed

failFast: boolean

Stop running tests when a test fails

filterStacktraces: boolean

Filter out stack frames from Cucumber's code when formatting stack traces

parallel: number

Run tests in parallel with the given number of worker processes

retry: number

Retry failing tests up to the given number of times

retryTagFilter: string

Tag expression to filter which scenarios can be retried

strict: boolean

Fail the test run if there are pending steps

worldParameters: JsonObject

Parameters to be passed to the World

The value must be a JSON-serializable object.